
Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Happy J K Day...aka April Fools!

Leave it to Tweens to come up with these smiling cute sayings! Well Emily just comes up to me and says "You have a Box Elder Bug in your hair" of course I play along and do the "ewwwww, get it out" Just to hear the JKing ya..."April Fools." Love it!

Ok well I guess my April Fools joke to the hubby wasn't all that great...just called him cuz I know he's still in traffic on his way to St. Paul and said..."the microwave is burning with flames, what do I do?" he says "ok go turn the circuit breaker off downstairs", "no but there big flames" he says "then put water on it" of course I say "trying that" & "April Fools Honey" He hangs up no humor whatsoever...must be the traffic cuz he normally doesn't commute in it! :o)

I'll get him again later!

Well the girls and their 2 sleepovers are in the other room and all I hear is them April Fooling it Up! So Fun to hear the laughs on a great gray day this April 1, 2011. It's also fun hearing them antcipate the wonderful answers from the Wii Game "Deal or No Deal" perfect April Fools Morning game if you ask me!

Well must leave these girls & their friends home alone for about 2 hours while I go to the gym and get my sweat on...April Foooools, Gotcha! :o)

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