Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where Does The Time Go

How neglectful of me to start something so incredible only to let it go for over two months...Following the full abundant lives of my two tween girls is back on my radar. Never again will I fall to the wayside. We were about to have an addition to this wonderful family but that chose to take a different course, so now in honor of him who brought a gift to me to truly value and be grateful for what blessings I truly have with me presently. How honored I am to be the mother of these two miraculous highly energetic tween beauties. So with that said TWEEN CITIES is going to be more alive and glow and grow with more enthusiasm, love and energy than before...
Summer came and went filled with lots of events, swimming, hot sun fun, art festivals, mini golfing, movies, bowling, biking, slumber party fun and now the girls are back to school.
3rd and 4th grade where does the time go...two weeks into it and they are loving it...a little concerned with the comment "it feels like camp" but at least I know they must be truly enjoying their school year thus far.
Started practicing for Minnetonka Swim Team last week, yesterday marked their 3rd practice and they absolutely love it and swim like killer whales, amazing watching these little bodies take on such a sport. I will be posting pics soon!
Ahh such a quiet morning, one had a sleepover at a friends house and I can only hope got to bed at at descent hour because she has a 4 hour Girl Scout She & Me Event today then Play Practice for "Back to The Manger" to be held in December and my other daughter is sound asleep still from all the excitement of watching "Fred The Movie" I should have watched it with her to see who this amazing "Fred" is all I know is we have a "Fred Doll" and I haven't done my research into finding out about him. That is soon coming.
So please be sure to follow as I restart the following of my two Tween Girls in the Tween Cities Metropolitan Area.

So BeTWEEN you and me This will be fun!

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