
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tween Playdates in the City

Last full day of school. Hip Hip Hooray it's just about time for Tween City summer play. Girls were excited this morning and looking forward to go swimming after school at Lifetime Fitness. I'll see how much energy they still have left they had two playdates yesterday and play they did. From an awesome Tween Talent performance and fashion show all glammed out hats,heels,dresses and accessories, I was loving playing Mammarazzi. Heidi Klum, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez you all better look out...the Tween Trio is coming. LoL
Photos will be coming soon but we are having a malfunction with the Left click button...Don't realize how dependant one is for a click until it's gone....Just to type this blog I have to hold down the right click button...Arrgghh.
So with that said, That's all she wrote. :0)

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